Angela grew up in the beautiful bubble of San Francisco. She found at an early age that singing and dancing was the most honest way to express herself. To this day, it remains to be true.
Angela takes her career very seriously, however, refuses to take herself too seriously. Among her closest friends, she has earned the nickname MoGo,(short for Mother Goose)because she sometimes says things that sound like they are straight out of a nursery ryhme.
As far as what keeps her busy, Angela is part of the premier a cappella group RANGE. You might have caught them at Radio City Music Hall sharing the stage with the Pentatonix and Kelly Clarkson, or maybe watched their viral video of "Hamilton in 7 Minutes"?
Angela is also one of the proud founding members of San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Company (SFBATCO). She just played Mother in their production of Ragtime, this past July.
You are most likely to run into Angela at either a hole-in-the-wall mexican joint eating her weight in guacamole, while nursing a Pacifico, or at Rockwood Music Hall, jamming out to the lesser known rockstars of New York City.

“You're only given a little spark of madness.You mustn't lose it.”